Thursday, October 17, 2019

Spring Art Holding Berhad

IPO Rating (1.75 out of 5.0 Stars)


Open to apply: 16/10/2019
Close to apply: 24/10/2019
Listing date: 08/11/2019

Share Capital
Market Cap: RM103.921 mil
Total Shares: 415.687 mil shares (IPO 20.784 mil, Company Insider/Miti/Private Placement 103.9216 mil)

Design & Development, Manufacturing of furniture products.
India: 27.5%
Japan: 5.4%
UAE: 23.2%
Saudi Arabia: 33.1%
Canada: 2.1%
Bahrain: 7.4%
Others: 1.3%

Market: Ace Market
Price: RM0.25 (eps: RM0.015)
P/E & ROE: PE16.67, ROE10.58%
Cash & fixed deposit after IPO: RM0.000021 per shares
NA after IPO: RM0.14
Total debt to current asset after IPO: 0.8799 (Debt: 21.888 mil, Non-Current Asset: 55.864 mil, Current asset: 24.875 mil)
Dividend policy: No formal dividend policy.

Financial Ratio
Trade receivable: 32 days
Trade Payable: 33 days
Inventory turnover: 70 days

Operation Output Utilisation Rate
2019: 94.9%
2018: 92.5%
2017: 91.8%
2016: 93.4%
2015: 92.0%

Past Financial Proformance (Revenue, EPS)
2019 (4mths): RM18.297 mil (EPS: 0.006)
2018: RM50.382 mil (EPS: 0.015)
2017: RM48.276 mil (EPS: 0.019)
2016: RM41.287 mil (EPS: 0.018)
2015: RM36.425 mil (EPS: 0.017)

Net Profit Margin
2019: 14.1%
2018: 12.4%
2017: 16.3%
2016: 18.1%
2015: 19.8%

After IPO Sharesholding
Haji Ismail Bin Tunggak: 0.07%
Lim Kok Eng: 56%
Kwan Chian Poh: 14%
Law Sang Thiam: 0.07%
Tan Meng Loon: 0.07%

Director & Key Managemen Remuneration for FYE2019 (from gross profit 2018)
Haji Ismail Bin Tunggak: RM38K
Lim Kok Eng: RM510K
Kwan Chian Poh: RM440K
Law Sang Thiam: RM39K
Tan Meng Loon: RM38K
Total director remuneration from gross profit: RM1.065 mil or 7.4%

Key Management Remuration
Teo Miow Loo: RM200k-250k
Peter Teo Swee Chyang: RM50k-100k
Loo Soon Chuan: RM50k-100k
Lim Vivian: RM1-50k
Ahmad Mahdzir Bin Joffri: RM1-50k
key management remuneration from gross profit: RM0.300-0.550 mil or 2.09-3.82%

Use of fund
Machinery for Factory C : RM17.55 mil (71.9%)
General Working Capital: RM3.672 mil (15%)
Listing expenses: RM3.2 mil (13.1%)

Competitors (PE & ROE)
Sernkou: PE 17.54, ROE 13.03
SWSCAP: Loss making
SHH: Loss making
WEGMAS: PE 9.13, ROE 19.87
EUROSPAN: loss making

Industry Analysis (CAGR growth rate)
Furniture Production (Msia): 5.0%
Furniture export: 2.7%
Home & Office export: 5.5%
Furniture import: 9.9%

Good thing is:
1. Operation ulitisation rate is almost full.
2. Net profit margin is above 10%.
3. Almost all IPO fund use to expand business.
4. Completed of Factory C will increase production capability from 337,106 units to 674,000 units.
5. Stronger USD is benefit to the company.

The bad things:
1. Listing on Ace Market.
2. PE is around country PE (doesn't discount to country PE)
3. Debt compare to current asset is just enough to cover, turnover of company cashflow is important to the company.
4. Revenue not consider growing if add in inflation rate 6% & USDMYR rate.
5. Total Director & key management remuration is more than 10% of gross profit.
6. Furniture industry is growing at CAGR 5.0%
7. Still have some competitors is better then Spring Art.

Is not a discount IPO. Price is just average to market. With the increase of capability units (almost double of production), revenue should able to increase better. The Factory C will be able to start operating in July 2020. Price movement should not increase much around 6 month before the July 2020.

IPO Price: RM0.25
Good time: RM0.38 (PE16, with 60% production capability increase of revenue, should not before July 2020)
Bad time: RM0.175 (PE9, with 30% production capability increase of revenue, should not before July 2020)

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Solarvest Holdings Berhad

IPO Rating ( 2.25 out of 5.0 Stars)


Open to apply: 30/09/2019
Close to apply: 11/11/2019
Listing date: 26/11/2019

Share Capital
Market Cap: RM136.718 mil
Total Shares: 390.623 mil shares (IPO 19.531 mil, Company Insider/Miti/Private Placement 79.297 mil)

Design & Sale of solar energy sevices (EPCC services), Operations & Maintenance of solar energy services , and Operate Solar Plant.
EPCC Services: 94.7%
Operations & Maintenance: 0.16%
Solar PV plant: 5.12%

Market: Ace Market
Price: RM0.35 (eps: RM0.028)
P/E & ROE: PE12.5, ROE17.43%
Cash & fixed deposit after IPO: RM0.1145 per shares
NA after IPO: RM0.16
Total debt to current asset after IPO: 0.56 (Debt: 51.111 mil, Non-Current Asset: 23.644 mil, Current asset: 91.273 mil)
Dividend policy: No formal dividend policy.

Financial Ratio
Trade receivable: 71 days
Trade Payable: 54 days
Inventory turnover: 7 days

Past Financial Proformance (Revenue, EPS)
2019: RM112.201 mil (EPS: 0.028)
2018: RM45.069 mil (EPS: 0.021)
2017: RM39.009 mil (EPS: 0.017)
2016: RM35.286 mil (EPS: 0.011)

Net Profit Margin
2019: 9.9%
2018: 18.3%
2017: 16.7%
2016: 11.8%

After IPO Sharesholding
Lim Chin Siu: 41.1% (indirect)
Tan Chyi Boon: 41.1% (indirect)
Chiau Haw Choon 33.6% (indirect)

Director & Key Managemen Remuneration for FYE2019 (from gross profit 2018)
Dato' Che Halin: RM66k
Lim Chin Siu: RM490k
Tan Chyi Boon: RM463k
Chiau Haw Choon: RM42k
Chang Kong Foo: RM42k
Fong Shin Ni: RM42k
Total director & key management remuneration from gross profit: RM1.145mil or 5.1%

Use of fund
Business expansion: 8.7%
Capital expenditure: 11.5%
Working capital: 55.5%
Repayment Debt: 14.5%
Listing expenses: 9.8%

Competitors (PE & ROE)
Solarvest: PE12.5 ROE17.43% GP9.9%
Cypark: PE8.76, ROE10.49%
Tekseng: Loss making
Gading Kencana: loss making
Helios PV: GP23.9%
Mattan: GP1.3%
Plus Solar: GP12.4%

Industry Analysis (Forecast)
Green energy is very clearly futures trend of energy. Solar is in sunrise industry with a lot competitors.

Good thing is:
1. Co-founder Owners is young.
2. PE12.5 still acceptable, but a bit high in same industry & ROE17.43% is healthy.
3. Debt ratio is healthy.
4. Revenue growing for past 4 years.
5. In sunrise industry.

The bad things:
1. Net profit margin slowing down.
2. No clear dividend policy.
3. Director remuration is over 3% of gross revenue.
4. Use 14.5% IPO fund to pay debt.
5. Many competitors not making good profit in same industry.
6. Listing on Ace market.
7. Revenue highly depend on EPCC segment.

Green energy is a must in futures. However they are facing large competitors environment in same industry.
Will consider is an average IPO.

IPO Price: RM0.35
Good time: RM0.38 (PE13.5)
Bad time: RM0.17 (PE6)