Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Solarvest Holdings Berhad

IPO Rating ( 2.25 out of 5.0 Stars)


Open to apply: 30/09/2019
Close to apply: 11/11/2019
Listing date: 26/11/2019

Share Capital
Market Cap: RM136.718 mil
Total Shares: 390.623 mil shares (IPO 19.531 mil, Company Insider/Miti/Private Placement 79.297 mil)

Design & Sale of solar energy sevices (EPCC services), Operations & Maintenance of solar energy services , and Operate Solar Plant.
EPCC Services: 94.7%
Operations & Maintenance: 0.16%
Solar PV plant: 5.12%

Market: Ace Market
Price: RM0.35 (eps: RM0.028)
P/E & ROE: PE12.5, ROE17.43%
Cash & fixed deposit after IPO: RM0.1145 per shares
NA after IPO: RM0.16
Total debt to current asset after IPO: 0.56 (Debt: 51.111 mil, Non-Current Asset: 23.644 mil, Current asset: 91.273 mil)
Dividend policy: No formal dividend policy.

Financial Ratio
Trade receivable: 71 days
Trade Payable: 54 days
Inventory turnover: 7 days

Past Financial Proformance (Revenue, EPS)
2019: RM112.201 mil (EPS: 0.028)
2018: RM45.069 mil (EPS: 0.021)
2017: RM39.009 mil (EPS: 0.017)
2016: RM35.286 mil (EPS: 0.011)

Net Profit Margin
2019: 9.9%
2018: 18.3%
2017: 16.7%
2016: 11.8%

After IPO Sharesholding
Lim Chin Siu: 41.1% (indirect)
Tan Chyi Boon: 41.1% (indirect)
Chiau Haw Choon 33.6% (indirect)

Director & Key Managemen Remuneration for FYE2019 (from gross profit 2018)
Dato' Che Halin: RM66k
Lim Chin Siu: RM490k
Tan Chyi Boon: RM463k
Chiau Haw Choon: RM42k
Chang Kong Foo: RM42k
Fong Shin Ni: RM42k
Total director & key management remuneration from gross profit: RM1.145mil or 5.1%

Use of fund
Business expansion: 8.7%
Capital expenditure: 11.5%
Working capital: 55.5%
Repayment Debt: 14.5%
Listing expenses: 9.8%

Competitors (PE & ROE)
Solarvest: PE12.5 ROE17.43% GP9.9%
Cypark: PE8.76, ROE10.49%
Tekseng: Loss making
Gading Kencana: loss making
Helios PV: GP23.9%
Mattan: GP1.3%
Plus Solar: GP12.4%

Industry Analysis (Forecast)
Green energy is very clearly futures trend of energy. Solar is in sunrise industry with a lot competitors.

Good thing is:
1. Co-founder Owners is young.
2. PE12.5 still acceptable, but a bit high in same industry & ROE17.43% is healthy.
3. Debt ratio is healthy.
4. Revenue growing for past 4 years.
5. In sunrise industry.

The bad things:
1. Net profit margin slowing down.
2. No clear dividend policy.
3. Director remuration is over 3% of gross revenue.
4. Use 14.5% IPO fund to pay debt.
5. Many competitors not making good profit in same industry.
6. Listing on Ace market.
7. Revenue highly depend on EPCC segment.

Green energy is a must in futures. However they are facing large competitors environment in same industry.
Will consider is an average IPO.

IPO Price: RM0.35
Good time: RM0.38 (PE13.5)
Bad time: RM0.17 (PE6)