Wednesday, March 5, 2025


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***Disclaimer***Blogger is not wrote any recommendation & suggestion. All is personal opinion and reader should take their own risk in investment decision.
Open to apply: 05/03/2025
Close to apply: 12/03/2025
Balloting: 14/03/2025
Listing date: 26/03/2025

Share Capital   
Market cap: RM150 mil
Total Shares: 600 mil shares
1st day listing tradable shares: 178.5 mil shares

Industry CARG  
Estimated Market Size (in terms of sales value of manufactured products in Malaysia) and Growth Forecast of the ESI in Malaysia (2021-2028f): 12.55%
Estimated Market Size (in terms of sales value of manufactured products in Malaysia) and Growth Forecast of the Surface Engineering Market in Malaysia, (2021-2028): 16.33%
Industry competitors comparison (net profit%)
1. Chemlite: 27.1%
2. Richport Technology Sdn Bhd: 44.7%
3. RTR Technology Sdn Bhd: 16.2%
4. Fukar Sdn Bhd: 12.6%
5. Metal Surface Progress Sdn Bhd: 7.5%
6. Amlex Holdings Berhad: 0.9%
7. Others: 4.9% to 7.7%

Business (FYE 2024)   
Surface finishing treatment services in metal plating (through electroplating and/or electroless plating) and non-metal plating (primarily through anodising).
***Metal plating is a type of surface finishing treatment process that involves the deposition of 1 or more layers of metal coatings (such as gold, silver, palladium, nickel and/or other coating metals) onto the surface of an intermediate metal product. This process will alter the physical surface characteristics of the intermediate metal product, improving its functionality and characteristics, as well as enhancing its aesthetic appearance
Revenue by segment
1. Metal plating: 85.75%
2. Non-metal plating: 14.25%
Revenue by industries
1. E&E: 61.41%
2. Semiconductor: 28.22%
3. M&E: 9.76%
4. Others: 0.61% (include automotive and life science and medical technology industries)
Revenue by Geo
1. Malaysia: 75.03%
2. Philippines: 24.91%
3. Others: 0.06%

1.Market: Ace Market
2.Price: RM0.25
3.Forecast P/E: 16.23
4.ROE(Pro forma): 19.8% 
5.ROE: 47.66%(FPE2024), 88.5%(FYE2023),  51.56%(FYE2022), 36.83%(FYE2021)
6.Net asset: 0.08
7.Total debt to current asset: 1.59  (Debt: 20.3mil, Non-Current Asset: 21.942mil, Current asset: 12.759mil)
8.Dividend policy:  didn’t have format dividend policy.
9. Shariah status: Yes

Past Financial Performance (Revenue, Earning Per shares, PAT%)    
2024 (FPE 31Dec): RM34.192 mil (Eps: 0.0154), PAT: 27.08%
2023 (FYE 31Dec): RM28.048 mil (Eps: 0.0150), PAT: 32.09%
2022 (FYE 31Dec): RM22.147 mil (Eps: 0.0053), PAT: 14.35%
2021 (FYE 31Dec): RM18.396 mil (Eps: 0.0028), PAT: 8.98%

Major customer (FYE2024)      
1. Customer A: 61.33%
2. Customer B: 24.97%
3. Customer C: 1.33%
4. Histotech Engineering Sdn Bhd: 1.11%
5. Alliance Contract Manufacturing Sdn Bhd: 1.01%
***total 89.75%

Major Sharesholders     
1. Chong Yuen Fong: 38.5% (direct)
2. Heng Chee Khiang: 31.5% (direct), 0.25% (indirect). 

Directors & Key Management Remuneration for FYE2025    
(from Revenue & other income 2024)

Total director remuneration: RM1.372 mil
key management remuneration: RM0.4 mil – RM0.5 mil
total (max): RM1.872 mil or 12.98%

Use of funds

Conclusions (Blogger is not wrote any recommendation & suggestion. All is personal opinion and reader should take their own risk in investment decision)
Overall is high risk investment, and also come with high grow return opportunities. 

*Valuation is only personal opinion & view. Perception & forecast will change if any new quarter result release. Reader take their own risk & should do own homework to follow up every quarter result to adjust forecast of fundamental value of the company.

Monday, March 3, 2025


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***Disclaimer***Blogger is not wrote any recommendation & suggestion. All is personal opinion and reader should take their own risk in investment decision.

Open to apply: 28/02/2025
Close to apply: 11/03/2025
Balloting: 13/03/2025
Listing date: 25/03/2025

Share Capital     
Market cap: RM135.032 mil
Total Shares:  540.12876 mil shares
1st day listing tradable shares: 162.0388 mil shares

Industry CARG (2024e-2028f) 
1. Growth Forecast for the Construction Industry in Malaysia: 8.4%
2. Growth Forecast for the Civil Engineering and Special Trade Work Market in Malaysia: 9.4%
Industry competitors comparison (net profit%)
1. Wawasan Dengkil: 6.0%
2. Advancecon: -10.2%
3. Binaform: 2.5%
4. Gadang: -8.9%
5. Menta: 2.5%

Business (FPE 2025)   
Provision of construction services, earthworks and civil engineering services, trading of construction materials as well as provision of machineries and commercial vehicles for hire.
Revenue by Segment
1. Construction services: 86.7%
2. Trading of construction materials: 11.3%
3. Provision of machineries and commercial vehicles for hire: 2.0%
Revenue by Geo
1. Northern region: 7.7%
2. Central region: 92.3%

1.Market: Ace Market
2.Price: RM0.25
3.Forecast P/E: 11.90
4.ROE(Pro forma): 12.73%
5.ROE: 17.06%(FYE2024), 15.88%(FYE2023),  15.12%(FYE2022), 19.78%(FYE2021)
6.Net asset: 0.17
7.Total debt to current asset: 0.796 (Debt: 117.249mil, Non-Current Asset: 64.347mil, Current asset: 147.382mil)
8.Dividend policy:  Didn’t have formal dividend policy.
9.Shariah status: Yes

Past Financial Performance (Revenue, Earning Per shares, PAT%)   

2025 (FPE 31Oct, 4mths): RM61.870 mil (Eps: 0.0074),  PAT: 6.5%
2024 (FYE 30Jun): RM188.541 mil (Eps: 0.0210), PAT: 5.8%
2023 (FYE 30Jun): RM123.494 mil (Eps: 0.0162), PAT: 5.5%
2022 (FYE 30Jun): RM82.871 mil (Eps: 0.0130), PAT: 2.9%
2021 (FYE 30Jun): RM69.856 mil (Eps: 0.0144), PAT: 9.7%

Order Book   
1. LPD As until 28/01/2025: RM378,140 mil

Major customer (FPE 2025)   
1. Milmix Sdn Bhd: 30.9%
2. LASB: 20.9%
3. Ang Chen Ho Quarry Sdn Bhd: 17.7%
4. WISB: 17.2%
5. Asas Jati Sdn Bhd: 6.7%
***total 93.4%

Major Sharesholders   
1. T Force: 56.0% (direct)
2. Lim Soon Yik: 14.0% (direct), 56.0% (indirect)
3. Lim Kok Seng: 56.3% (indirect)
4. Lim Soon Keat: 56.0% (indirect)
5. Sich Kah Yong: 56.0% (indirect)

Directors & Key Management Remuneration for FYE2025    
(from Revenue & other income 2024)

Total director remuneration: RM0.828 mil
key management remuneration: RM0.95 mil – RM1.20 mil
total (max): RM2.028 mil or 12.11%

Use of funds

Conclusions (Blogger is not wrote any recommendation & suggestion. All is personal opinion and reader should take their own risk in investment decision)
Overall is high risk investment, and also come with low to mid grow return opportunities. 

*Valuation is only personal opinion & view. Perception & forecast will change if any new quarter result release. Reader take their own risk & should do own homework to follow up every quarter result to adjust forecast of fundamental value of the company.